The Never Give Up Show!!

Do Many Cops Abuse Their Power, Or Are They Abuser's Themselves?

Season 6 Episode 61
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00:00:00 | 02:02:32

                      8/2/2022                                            Show #61

Tonight's Guest Is Rhonda Reyna,

I am the mother of two children having divorced my husband of 11 years amicably with whom we share a wonderful son. We mediated and never went to court. I did not take any child support or alimony and we made arrangements peacefully between ourselves for the remainder of our son's childhood.

I met my daughter's father in late 2004. He quickly pushed me into a relationship with him, convincing me to move in with him in mid 2005 and quit my career as  a forensic scientist in 2006 to be a full time mother to my son. He then lured me into working in his business running a multi layered equestrian program, which I did for 9 years, never being paid a salary and being told the money was going into a trust for our daughter. That turned out to be a lie.

We separated in 2014 which is when the post separation abuse began to escalate. Although he was never an engaged father and I was the full time primary attachment parent, he asked for 50/50 custody, farming out our daughter's care to alcoholic and drug addicted women rather than letting me mother our child. 

Our post separation experience follows the pattern of the family court playbook described by The National Women's Coalition.  Things got much worse during the COVID lockdowns and culminated in the event of June 28, 2021 where my daughter and I were attacked in broad daylight, she was seized violently by 8 police officers and I have not seen her since.
See Video Below  

I have had multiple careers in banking, biotechnology, equestrian sports and running my own businesses as well as many side jobs. I enjoy sports even though I have suffered from chronic injuries obtained during my days training horses. I do my best to keep busy and upbeat and work to self educate.  

Triggering And Horrifying!!!!