The Never Give Up Show!!
The Never Give Up Show!!
Protecting Thieves By Jailing Their Wives
8/9/2022 Show #62
Tonight's Guest Is Sonnie,
(A Survivor, Advocate, I am a physician assistant of over 20 years caring for the community and mom of 4 children. My ex is an attorney formerly for child protective services. My children disclosed severe child abuse both sexual and physical by their father. The same CPS agency he worked for did his “investigations” and covered up his abuse. My children went into their fathers custody and are still there and two of the four are failing to thrive educationally and emotionally.)
Because these horrific circumstances occurred in my life and because of the awareness that comes with it, I began to help other families to hopefully spare them from the same horrific conditions I endured. For me this is a sort of post traumatic growth and it is my own therapy to help others. For these ladies, I hope it’s justice for them and their kids. This is how I met this group of moms.
Lizzy's Story,
After she confronted her then husband, an influential attorney, about his indoctrination to pedophilia (which he admitted in the recorded confrontation and via text).
Elizabeth Harding Weinstein’s marital income was $5-6 million a year, they had 3 marital residences, she is a Columbia grad who the husband entrusted her to raise their children for 17 years, no history of psych hospitalizations, no arrest history prior to divorce…
Suddenly is trafficked into a court appointed guardianship having no money for food at times, being denied funds to retain attorneys, homeless as the guardian signed the distribution of marital assets, suddenly being called crazy (pedophiles love to call their allegers “delusional” even tho DSM V states circumscribed delusional disorder in non institutionalized Americans 0.02%), and is incarcerated for misdemeanors- solitary confinement even.
Make that make sense…
#FREELIZZIE #freelizzieharding
RESTRAINING ORDER: A Westchester mom of three has been detained for more than two weeks after violating a restraining order for telling her children that she loved them, according to officials.
https://www.buzzsprout.com/1364944/9713474 Interview with Maryann Petri