The Never Give Up Show!!
The Never Give Up Show!!
CPS A/K/A DCF And The Constant Cover Up Of The Sexual And Physical Abuse, Who Is Protecting Our Children??
9/6/2022 Show #63
Tonight's guest is Sonnie,
My family’s story goes back to the year 2013 when I filed for divorce to protect my kids from abuse. I was very naive and trusting at the time. My ex is an attorney formerly for CPS and current Public Defender. While I knew sometimes law enforcement and the courts might cut some slack for friends or family on things like minor traffic infractions, I never thought things would be so dirty when presenting the life and death matters of children. So I trusted my high paid attorney to do the right things. Unfortunately she literally served me right into the conflict of interest courts where my ex appears regularly and is known by everyone.
I have spent over $250,000 to protect my kids. I have had 5-6 judges recused / disqualified. They ignore abuse at every turn. My kids are still in his custody. Recently when explaining documented proof the Judge gave custody to my ex. the parent who strangulated my daughter and the kids complained he sexually abused them, cop said “that’s moronic.. how can he still be a judge”. Next day, nothing from the police despite knowing my kids are failing to thrive, and police constantly being called to their fathers house and they still leave my kids there.
I don’t smoke, I rarely drink, have never been arrested, never found to abuse or neglect my kids. I am a medical professional. I am BOTH breadwinner of the family AND was primary caretaker of kids prior to divorce.
Make this make sense other than this is CPS covering up sex abuser who worked for them. After my ex’s role as attorney for Niagara Co CPS in NY, they knowingly hired a sex offender for the same position. Attorney Nicholas D'Angelo is now indicted on 11 charges of rape including kid(s) in CPS custody.
Well here it is 351% increase of children missing from care 2013-2019! Before a law in 2014 to prevent sex trafficking of kids from foster care, they were not reporting missing kids from care 94,906 kids missing that without the 2014 law would not have been reported. missingkids.org
According to this report in the United States, most sex trafficked children come from our foster care system.
The reason I am concerned about this favorable litigation from the bench for sex offenders over the welfare of our kids, the hiring of known sex offenders for CPS and other sensitive government roles is because of this report by the US Dept of State on Human Trafficking.
Is our judiciary / CPS / law enforcement compromised like the Catholic Priest scandal? Rather than just the protections and secrecy of the church, now they enjoy the same plus the added benefit of immunity...