The Never Give Up Show!!
The Never Give Up Show!!
A Tribute Show To Narkis B. Golan! Your strength,fight,mama bear, Has given hope to so many other protective and hague moms! Your legacy will live on forever!
Show #68 11/8/2022
Tonight I Am Honored To Have Two Incredible Guests Robert Abbott And Natalie,
My name is Natalie Bridgeman. I am a 30 year old protective mother from San Diego, California. In August 2022 I fled my abuser in Ireland back to California with my two children (2 & 6 at the time). Shortly after, 3 DA agents showed up at my house saying that my ex in Ireland has filed The Hague Convention (International Child Abduction) on me. The Hague Convention doesn’t protect mothers and children fleeing abuse.
I met Narkis when I saw the news about her win and reached out to her on Facebook. She replied instantly with her phone number and didn't stop until she helped me get a lawyer. She was such a strong and amazing warrior mother that helped other Hague moms all the way up until the day of her death. I was one of the last people, along with other Hague Mothers, to speak to her that day. (A friend of Narkis)
Robert Abbott has been a journalist for over 30 years and worked at CNN and Espn before starting Hey Abbott Entertainment. Abbott has won 6 Emmy Awards in 5 different categories and has been nominated for over 30 more. His investigation into Hall of Fame College Basketball Coach Bob Knight led to Knight’s firing after 29 years at Indiana University. He’s won 3 National Headliner Awards for reporting and The Edward R Murrow Awards for Journalism. He also won The United Nations Award for story of the year in 2011 for a piece on the epidemic of Corrective Rape in Africa. (In the middle of doing a Documentary on Hague Mom's and was a close friend to Narkis)https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Abbott_(director)
Nov 15 2022 9am Kings County Family Court Brooklyn NY