The Never Give Up Show!!
The Never Give Up Show!!
Speaking Out Against Maine's Family Court And Police Corruption!
11/29/2022 Show #69
Tonight's Guest's Are Jen And Kelly, (both have been guests before)
Two women from Maine who discuss their experiences with both the police and court system. They will also discuss a case out of York County Maine, of a Hague Mom who was arrested for kidnapping her own children.
There is growing outrage and a movement for change by those who have been victimized by the corrupt Family Court System in the US. Everything from gender bias (largely in favor of men) with both DV and child custody cases in the courts, corrupt police and court officials, child trafficking through DHS and corruption by both the police and the courts. Most of society does not have any idea this is happening. We are taught to trust our authorities and our Government. We are taught to call 911 when a crime is committed and the police and court system is for our protection. The reality more often than not, particularly for women, is that people who do report or leave their abuser are re-victimized and abused by the courts. There are actual crimes being committed by people in the criminal justice and family court system and yet the focus all too often remains on victims who report and speak out.