The Never Give Up Show!!
The Never Give Up Show!!
The Lure By The Narcissist, It Happens Before You Know What Hit You!
1/31/2023 Show #73
Tonight's Guest Is Judi Russo,
Judi got involved in advocacy after her two young children disclosed that they were sexually assaulted by someone she considered family. After discovering this and having no local support system, She then moved to another town to start fresh and help her children start their healing journey.
This is where she met her Narcissistic Abuser Jimmy. After learning what they had been through he was extremely supportive, showing her and the kids how proud he was of them for beginning their healing journey, the advocacy she was doing etc. Winning over the trust and admiration of her children first, knowing that was the way to reel her in.
My story starts to twist into the typical ugly and unbearable narcissistic abuse to both myself and my children. He took it as far as locking us out of rooms, hiding our food inside his work vehicle, terrorizing my youngest daughter so badly that she built a makeshift shelter under her bed because she was so afraid to leave her room. The abuse was really bad, it was not physical, but verbal, mental, emotional, financial (COERCIVE CONTROL).
I began to feel ashamed and scared because I had moved to help my kids begin to heal from the sexual abuse they had endured as young children, How had I managed to bring another abuser into their lives? On the outside everything looked perfect, I was advocating and helping women and children, Yet I fell prey to an abuser and became the victim.
Judi is an advocator and very involved in Ruby's Vision and ORT
Ruby's Vision Inc.: Home
Ruby Clark sees a need for shelters/ transitional housing and keeps mothers with their children, bringing them back together.
Paterson's Opioid Response Team